The Full Story
The WWYN is working with school districts, colleges and universities to increase the understanding and implementation of scholastic Esports as educational pathway from elementary to college. Our expertise tin creating the curricula and infrastructure needed to innovate education emphasizes the best practices with a budget friendly requires combination of leveraging existing resources and tech with new capital expenditures when necessary. We also provide the professional development needed by administrators, educators, and parents on both competitive programs and career readiness initiatives related to the transferrable skills youth gain from competing in Esports Our approach to game-based learning will help you:
Understand ludoliteracy and the advantages of game-based learning
Convert existing spaces into on Esports lab.
Plan scholastic Esports programs in the classroom, as an after-school program, or as a summer camp
Develop esports leagues that support healthy gaming
Hold an esports tournament to raise money for local charities
Contact us now and let’s start building a pipeline to success for today’s digitized youth!